Data Collection and Sharing

Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) are characteristically highly mobile species with an ability to reproduce in high numbers and to disperse quickly and easily. It is therefore very important that we take steps to understand the current distribution of INNS and keep track of new populations as they emerge.

YISF is highly active in surveying and data collection. Find out more about the large surveying effort within the region and how our online webtool INNS Mapper is being used to keep track of these species.

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Treatment and Control

To prevent the devastating impacts on native wildlife from some of our most prolific INNS it is essential that we undertake control of these species.  YISF encourages control which is strategic and well coordinated

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By preventing the spread of INNS in the first place we can avoid damage to the environment and reduce the expense of implementing control measures.

Using the latest research, the Yorkshire Invasive Species Forum works closely with partners to plan and implement biosecurity measures for high risk activities. The forum also develops and delivers biosecurity training for a variety of stakeholders, to ensure organisations have the right tools to prevent the spread of INNS

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Strategy and coordination

Collectively as a forum we work with stakeholders within the region to develop effective strategies to tackle INNS. We do this in a number of ways – from delivering mapping workshops for stakeholders, to providing data tools and resources which facilitate the development of local and regional strategies.

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