Working together to tackle Invasive Species in Yorkshire

The Yorkshire Invasive Species Forum (YISF) is a collection of organisations working in partnership to tackle Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) in the Yorkshire region. Forum members work together and with wider stakeholders to deliver strategic and well-coordinated approaches to catchment-scale INNS management and biosecurity.

The forum was founded in 2012 as one of many Local Action Groups working throughout the country. Since that time YISF has delivered many projects within the Yorkshire region which have reduced the spread of INNS and protected the region’s environment.

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Aims & Objectives

  • Monitor and survey the distribution of key INNS in Yorkshire;
  • Develop a sustainable programme to tackle key INNS in Yorkshire;
  • Work with partners and stakeholders to develop biosecurity actions which prevent the introduction, and further spread of INNS and diseases.
  • Build a strong network with catchment partnerships to support a coordinated approach to regional INNS & biosecurity action
  • Act as an information and communication hub for INNS activity in Yorkshire, sharing with stakeholders up to date INNS data, information about national initiatives and best practice guidance.
  • Partners

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    You can get in touch with us at